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THIS SUNDAY, SEPT 9TH AT 9:00 a.m. the new fall season at Salem begins! New Sunday school, new choir, new youth programs, new youth director, same old pastor. 4 out of 5 ain’t bad! (Please be careful in our back parking lot as we have had recent repaving done. The repaved areas cannot receive traffic or parking for a full two weeks. Both entrances are open to foot traffic.)

We begin with our Ministry Fair in which we set before ourselves all the ministry opportunities that we might participate in. Everything from scripture readers on Sunday mornings to registration helpers at the Health Clinic, to servers for Memorial Services, to greeters at our front and back doors. This is a great opportunity to discover how things happen here at Salem and how you can be a part of the workings of God through Salem. Light breakfast offerings will be available during the fair.

We will gather in the foyer (narthex) for worship at 10:00 am. There we will be drawn to God and each other through gathering and prelude music. We will share our Call to Worship in the narthex then process into the sanctuary during our first hymn. This will be an active beginning.

Following worship, we will share lunch together (burgers, dogs, chips, and watermelon). It will be a day to remember as we start a new season of life together.

It wouldn’t be the same without you, so join us this week starting at 9:00 am!