Annual Meeting draws to a close – “Steadfast Set for Tonight”

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The Annual Meeting business sessions are coming to a close with just the Ordination Service to come yet tonight. There is a somber tone of the group gathered. Subtle protests of the recent votes removing First Cov Minneapolis and Revs Collison and Armfield have been seen in delegates wearing their name tags upside down. Many are walking around without words to express their anger and extreme disappointment. It’s palpable in the room. Many feel the Covenant has taken a devastating turn that will bring deep harm to many, many people across our denomination.

And yet, we move on and look forward to the showing of “Steadfast” this evening. Over 300 flyers have been passed out and we are getting set to receive any who choose to come and view this powerful film.

Your delegates are praying for you as you gather in worship tomorrow morning. We are so grateful for the support you have provided us throughout this week. Salem continues to provide its strong witness for inclusion and acceptance for all through the powerful story found in Nancy’s story captured in “Steadfast”. It will be a good way to end a devastating Annual Meeting.