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Sunday Mornings at Salem



Join the worshiping community of Salem each week. Our services begin at 10:00 a.m each Sunday.  During this time of the global pandemic, you may join us in person, or with the need for social distancing; we invite you to visit us on our Youtube channel: salemccworcester. There you will find our library of worship service videos. We invite you to check us out!!

Worship is the central act of our church. It is the one time each week that the entire community gathers for the reading of scripture, prayer, singing, proclamation, and active listening. The scriptures found in the Holy Bible serve as the inspiration for our worship and the central source for knowing and deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ. Theologian Walter Brueggeman refers to the church as the “listening community.” Each week we have the opportunity to listen for that one word we need to move forward in our lives.

Worship at Salem is intergenerational. Young children will make connections with seniors, those of retirement age become mentors to those amid their careers, teenagers will find support and encouragement as Young Adults check in with them each week to see how Soccer, chorus, or one’s struggles in Calculus are going.  With the power of social media, we have found that face-to-face opportunities are fewer and fewer these days. Worship and or participation in the family of a church provide for rich and deep interconnections that are treasured throughout life.

Our mission statement is experienced as “One Table, Many Voices.”  The gospel is celebrated most when barriers are broken down between people, and all of us feel the warmth and joy of generous inclusion. The book of Acts chronicles the expansion of God’s love for the WHOLE world – not just our tribe, ethnic group, age, economic status, and preferred friendships. In story after story, the Spirit crosses over barriers and boundaries for the sake of the good news of gospel life. This year, we will celebrate the inclusiveness of Christ’s table and revel in the many voices that give shape and substance to the community gathered at Salem Covenant Church.

Consider yourself invited – the party would not be the same without you!

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