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Lot’s of fun, right? First of all, what is tithing? Tithing in its simplest form is the biblical standard of giving back to God one dime out of every dollar we receive. If tithing was a part of your childhood and family practice, it seemed simple when you earned a dollar or two each week in allowance. But now that incomes involve thousands of dollars we become hesitant and are filled with questions like, “What if I need the money for something else? Am I saving enough? What if I have an unexpected expense? is anybody else giving this much?”

Andy Stanley in his book “Fields of Gold” writes accurately, I believe, that we are not greedy nor are we opposed to supporting God’s Kingdom but we have become “concerned”. For many believers, “cheerful giving has become fearful giving.”

There is no end-run around some of these very human feelings. Trusting God’s faithfulness has always been challenging for God’s people. Tithing is a significant step in inviting God into our finances. Stanley continues, “The principle of sowing and reaping applies to our finances… God promises to resupply generous sowers with enough seed to continue sowing generously throughout their lifetimes.” AOnline Givingnd the results are always spectacular.

So here’s the challenge… this Sunday, Father’s Day, we are encouraging people to calculate their family’s net or gross income for the week and to tithe (10%) of that figure to the church’s offering. It is a challenge…but let’s see what God can do when we are faithful.

Thanking you all in advance!