Sunday School and Fall Programming Begins

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We’re off!  All new fall programming begins this Sunday, September 11 at 9:00 am. All ages are not only welcome but encouraged to come as we gather the entire church family. Our theme for the year is “One Table…Many Voices” which celebrates the great inclusivity of God. Sunday morning begins with a light breakfast of coffee, juice, fruit and a sweet roll. While mingling with new friends and celebrating existing relationships, we will be registering all youth for Sunday School, Confirmation and our students for Middle & High School groups.

Adults can view materials from our upcoming bible study program, “Community Bible Experience”. The foyer outside the sanctuary is where all the action will take place. Set in a market place setting, we will be displaying the many other activities, projects and service opportunities for people to consider. While enjoying the festive atmosphere take time to update your contact information at the “BREEZE” table. “BREEZE” is our new people software program that will help all of us stay in good communication with one another throughout the year.

SO SET YOUR CLOCKS A LITTLE EARLY THIS SUNDAY and help usher in a new season of the year. It’s going to be great!
