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Giving Icon

One way of observing the season of Lent is to put your artistic and creative efforts to work through whatever medium you choose to depict some aspect of Christ’s journey to Jerusalem and the cross. Our Lenten theme “Via” literally means “way”, Christ was showing the world “a way” to live. It was a path through death (a letting go) to resurrection, a way of entering new life by dying to our old ways of living. This journey is literally a path of personal transformation.


This year, during Holy Week (April 9-16), we will be displaying a variety of art work created by people in our community, that try to capture some aspect of the Lenten journey, or perhaps their own journey though death to new life. If you would like to offer up some of your talents in this effort, please let the office know and we will be thrilled to include your work in this wonderful event.


Take a risk in sharing your gifts with the community!



**One idea would be to Google the “Stations of the Cross”. Read the descriptions of these different places along Christ’s walk as well as the interactions Jesus has with people along this path. Perhaps this might spark some new thinking and dreaming in your creative process.